8u and 14u Games Cancelled Due to NU FIELDS being unplayable!! March 29th 2025
Nevada County Girls Softball Association (NCGSA), located in and around Grass Valley, California is committed to providing all girls with the freedom to explore the game of softball. The NCGSA program promotes excellence in the areas of: Citizenship - Friendship - Leadership - Sportsmanship - Scholarship
I'm thrilled to announce the arrival of our highly anticipated NCGSA merchandise! Our dedicated uniform agent has been working tirelessly to create a fantastic range of apparel and accessories that perfectly capture our league's spirit and allow us to show our team pride.
Enjoy this Coupon from Big 5.
Big 5 Coupon.pdf
Our umpire program is a learning and training program designed to teach youth how to effectively umpire a softball game. Most of our youth umpires are current and former players in the league but we welcome anyone who would like to learn to umpire and work games in our league.
Whether you are brand new to sports officiating or have several seasons under your belt, USA Softball Umpires work every year to certify themselves and improve their skill sets as officials.
Look up your daughters age to find out what age devision she will be playing in.
usa age chart 2025.png
Coach's Concussion Training
to download
our rules
To sign up for texts from NCGSA
for quick communication regarding schedule changes or practice cancellations