A Ball Interest 2025

NCGSA Families we are excited to announce the start of our A ball program. This year we are going to offer a travel ball program for our 14u age group. This will give our girls the opportunity to compete with teams from the Sacramento region and Bay Area in a tournament style setting. Our goal is to provide 6-8 tournaments in the Sacramento area for the girls in the Spring Season. We will be looking to host tryouts for this team the weekend of November 16 or 17, 2024 (weather pending) at Memorial Park in Grass Valley. Sign up for a tryout with the interest form provided

Player First Name
Player Full Name
Players Last Name
Date of Birth
Open the calendar popup.
Parents Name
Phone Number
Parents Email
Softball Experience
How long have you played?
Positions Played
List all Positions played
Reason for wanting to play A Ball?

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